Watch JOHN MAYER Hit You In The Feels While Jamming On The ABASI CONCEPTS...
John Mayer might be the last person you’d expect to be jamming on a multiscale 8-string guitar, but the blues and soul musician was seen doing just that recently, and on the new Abasi Concepts Larada...
View ArticleSee How James Hetfield And Kirk Hammett of METALLICA Do What They Do Best...
Metallica guitar techs Chad Zaemisch and Justin Crew recently took a tour through James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett’s WorldWired guitar rigs. It’s evident that these dudes know their shit, and it’s...
View ArticleDEVIN TOWNSEND Releases Episode #7 of the EMPATH DOCUMENTARY
As Devin Townsend‘s newest record Empath nears its release on March 29th, the man and his team have just released the 7th episode of the “Making Of” documentary that has been detailing the entire...
View ArticlePERIPHERY Vocalist SPENCER SOTELO Talks About The New Record “P4: HAIL STAN”...
With the release of their new record Periphery IV: Hail Stan right around the corner, vocalist Spencer Sotelo of Periphery recently sat down with Loud TV to talk about the writing process, the album...
View ArticlePERIPHERY Release “P4: The Documentary” Behind The Scenes Making-Of For The...
With the release of their newest album Periphery IV: Hail Stan, Periphery have just released an incredible documentary about the whole writing and recording process for the album. The band talks about...
View ArticlePLINI: Rick Beato Dissects Why The Song “Electric Sunrise” Is So Great
One of our favorite music YouTubers, Rick Beato, recently took a closer look at the song “Electric Sunrise” by Australian prog guitarist and composer Plini. A part of his What Makes This Song So...
View ArticleSORCERY: Watch JEFF KIESEL Build A 16-String Guitar For FELIX MARTIN
What MADNESS do we have here? Luthier extraordinaire JEFF KIESEL of Kiesel Guitars has built Venezuelan shredder FELIX MARTIN a beautiful 16-string guitar. Jeff has some serious concentration going on...
View ArticleMOON DESTROYS: See The Behind-The-Scenes Of Guitar Tracking For “Maiden Voyage”
With the release of their debut EP Maiden Voyage right around the corner, Atlanta-based metal duo MOON DESTROYS are more ready than ever to bring their tunes to Earth. Featuring Juan Montoya...
View ArticleCRY BABY BATTLE ROYALE: See Behind The Scenes Of The Pedalboard That Beat...
If you’ve been paying attention to rock news lately, you might have caught wind of The Great Wah-Off between legendary shredders Kirk Hammett and Mrs. Smith! The duo faced off in a dual that will...
View ArticleUNPROCESSED/POLYPHIA: Exclusive Behind-The-Scenes of “Real”, The Prog Collab...
If you haven’t heard “Real”, the collab between Unprocessed and two of the boys from Polyphia, well, prepare to feel bad about your guitar playing. It’s a peek into the future of guitar, and the...
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